Address: 485 Lexington Avenue, 25th. Floor
New York, NY, 10017
Telephone: +1 212 479 5166
Fax: +1 212 888 2061
Email: enda.kavanagh@xmpie.com
Website: www.xmpie.com
Stand No: B40

Brands we Sell

XMPie, PersonalEffect Print, PersonalEffect TransMedia, PersonalEffect StoreFlow, Circle

Product Profiles

uDirect/PersonalEffect Print - (Data-Driven Print & VDP) - Supercharge communications with relevant messages, images and graphics to grab each recipient’s attention. Variable Data capabilities are at the heart of the XMPie PersonalEffect platform, which powers all XMPie solutions including eCommerce sites and Omnichannel campaigns. For the print touchpoint, XMPie powers both digitally-led print documentation (print with QR codes, AR etc., and Triggered Direct Mail, which is generated after an action is taken by a consumer on a digital touchpoint, like visiting a landing page, to lure the consumer back to the buying journey.

PersonalEffect StoreFlow (Web-to-Print) - XMPie’s industry-leading web-to-print software platform that allows print service providers, agencies or enterprises to easily set-up full-featured e-commerce stores selling anything from hats and shirts to static print items, fully personalised items and complete marketing campaigns. StoreFlow can be used with any print press, enabling providers to efficiently process a high volume of personalised print.

PersonalEffect TransMedia & Circle (Omnichannel Campaign Automation) - Manage omnichannel communications across print, email and web with one application. XMPie’s award-winning Circle solution will lower production costs and time constraints by deploying, automating and measuring your omnichannel campaigns from a single platform. Because the same logic and data are shared across all the touchpoints and can be driven by specific conditions, consumers see consistent messages and content across each and every media touchpoint.

About XMPie XMPie® offers a powerful marketing platform for delivering 1:1 omnichannel communications across print and digital touchpoints that are personally relevant and creatively engaging: • A complete CCM Solution - Our technology seamlessly connects to databases to generate personalised multichannel campaigns perfectly synchronized across all channels and touchpoints. • End to End Adobe Workflow – With XMPie there is no compromise on creative design or workflow flexibility. • Open software architecture - Our open architecture and APIs enable the greatest flexibility for integration with other internal systems or 3rd party applications. Build on our platform to create any solution imaginable. • Scalable Product Line – Start anywhere, add capabilities, and protect your investment all along the way. Core products: • PersonalEffect StoreFlow: Best-in-class W2P solution for creating and managing online stores and marketing portals (with built-in VDP features). • PersonalEffect Print: All the tools necessary to create and maintain a large library of dynamic document templates and produce a high volume of variable data output. • PersonalEffect TransMedia: An all-in-one solution for creating and launching integrated, personalized campaigns across every channel. • Circle: Circle has matured to become the overarching component in the XMPie workflow, connecting every stage of campaign production. This includes planning, creation, deployment with automation and performance monitoring.

Product Category Listings

  • Automation
  • E-commerce / e-business
  • Software – Production
  • Web to print